Astrology king
Astrology king

astrology king astrology king

And similarly it will be for the other planets. If Jupiter is afflicted in any month or periods, it will hamper overall finance of the country. Throughout the year, any conditions or afflictions to any planet results in affliction to the area signified by the planet. Lord of the Army: Moon (Known as Duresh) Lord of Wealth: Jupiter (Known as Dhanesh) Lord of Fruits: Moon (Known as Phalesh) Lord of Solids: Venus (Known as Nirsesh) Lord of the fluids: Sun (Known as Rasesh) Lord of the Rain: Moon (Known as Meghesh) Lord of Grains: Mercury (Known as Dhaanyesh) Lord of the Crops and Harvest: Venus (Known as Sasyesh) The entire planetary cabinet for the year is as below: The lord of the day for the first day of the year (Chaitra Shukla Pratipada, decided at the time of first sunrise of the year) becomes the King for the year and rules all affairs. The entire planetary cabinet for the year is decided based on the planetary positions in the chart for the year. Such an event is happening after 90 years and as the name suggests, the result is particularly about increase Tamasik attributes (greed, jealousy, aggression, animosity). So the current year that was going to be Ananda (joy) gets skipped and moves on to the next, which is Rakshasa (demonic). Because of the luni-solar nature of astrological calendar, it happens at times that in the calculations an entire year gets skipped because the combinations that should have happened last longer or shorted. Now, ideally the Samvatsar should have started from 25th March itself but instead is going to start from 12th of April. Last year being Pramadi and the current year was going to be Ananda. In religious and astrological practices, the Samvatsar is calculated in sequence. In fact, not just the king but in basis the movement of Sun through various signs, the entire planetary cabinet is decided for the year as to which planet will be the ministers under what portfolio and control the finances, agriculture, weather, foreign affairs etc. The King being the planet that will play the most significant role in shaping the year. The day of commencement of the Hindu New Year decides the Samvatsar and the King for that year.

  • The chart or the ‘horoscope’ for the country which is essentially when the country officially came into existence in its current definition.
  • Major planetary positions that form in a year.
  • The individual horoscopes of the heads of states and countries also determine how the population will be impacted by their individual destinies as they’re in a position that also influences others around them.
  • Eclipses that occur during the year trigger weather upheavals, natural calamity, unprecedented events, and major rest.
  • Sun’s movement through the signs decides the monthly outcome and the different portfolios of the planets for the coming year.
  • There are a couple of other factors which become important as well, such as:

    astrology king

    So analyzing the chart for this year we can arrive at an overall snapshot of the major events and trends that will be visible in the current year.

    astrology king

    It reflects the major events, climatic, political, economic, and social for the year to come. The chart created for this time for the capital of a country is very important from the perspective of analyzing national trends and overall tone of the year. This year it begins on Monday, April 12th, 2021 at 08.01 AM, Delhi. The Hindu New Year begins with the commencement of the Hindi month of Chaitra on the Shukla Pratipada (first day of the brighter half of lunar cycle).

    Astrology king